Posts Tagged ‘racism’

There are certain things in the world that insist on being immortal. As a child, I believed that the world would change for the better by the time I was an adult. I was an optimistic child, therefore completely naïve.

I thought that love would end racism, homophobia and pretty much any other form of prejudice. To this day, when I see friendships or romance between different races and cultures (especially those from the south) I feel especially happy. Why is this?

We have our first black president. We have many people of color in positions of leadership in various areas of society. The ‘N’ word and other racial slurs are socially unacceptable. It can even get you fired or make you lose millions in endorsements.

So why is it that I think of race when I see various interracial socializing? Perhaps because my childhood and teenage years was affected by race. The issue of race was everywhere (even within my own people).

Up until the age of 7 or 8 I lived in East Los Angeles. I never saw a black person until we left East L.A. I loved and hated my fellow Latinos. I saw Vatos as dirty, smelly, thuggish drunks. I was repulsed so much that I vowed never to be with a Latino regardless of his station in life.

As a child in Pasadena, I was initially repulsed by blacks and middle eastern children. They were tough, stand-offish and I didn’t like their looks either. I thought of them as monsters. It’s very difficult to admit that now.

Love changed me. A black girl protecting me from mean girls erased my bigotry. When more friends treated me as their equal, my bigotry was replaced with affection. Even bullies of various races couldn’t make me revert back to my old way of thinking.

I figured that racism, bigotry and all prejudices are all just cover stories. At the end of the day, its fear. Its fear of what  family, friends or anyone in your life will think. It’s also fear of change and making yourself vulnerable to something different.

At the end of the Civil War, former slave owners were convinced that the slaves would rise up and murder them. It didn’t happen because revenge wasn’t an issue for the slaves. After hundreds of years of rape, torture, murder and imprisonment, slaves just wanted their freedom to leave, stay, learn to read and not be beaten.

So why were black people lynched? One: Whites couldn’t stand the thought of blacks being equal to them or worse, better than them. Two: Whites continued to expect the worst from blacks and blacks refused to oblige them.

This is just my opinion. Two African-Americans girlfriends stood up with me on my wedding day. I love them like crazy. My love for them will not end social hatred, but that won’t stop me from loving them and all good people.

So in keeping with the Christmas theme, I want to send out some Merry Christmas wishes to unusual groups.

I wish a very merry Christmas to those that loath, oppress or ridicule those outside their sexual orientation, race or religion. I hope and pray that you find your burdens lifted, peace and prosperity. Amen.

I wish a very merry Christmas to the brave men, women and families of the armed forces. This nation owes you all a debt that can never be repaid. Thank you for your service. God bless and keep you always.

I wish a very merry Christmas to the wealthy who have chosen to buy gadgets, new cars, yachts and ostentatious jewelry. I am so glad that you have the means to purchase such gifts and still give so generously to impoverished men, women and children that are without a stable residence.

I wish a very merry Christmas to the CEOs and business owners that were forced to layoff many workers.  I’m sure you gave them ample warning of the layoff, so that plans could be made. Well, their pension is always there for them … right? I see. Absolutely … I still wish you Merry Christmas.

Lastly, I wish peace, love, prosperity and spiritual freedom to all the non-Christians of the world. May you be blessed with children’s laughter, gentleness, magnificent sunrises and sunsets. With all my heart, I mean it.



A fictional repartee between blue and red folks. This Latina Democrat from California will try to be impartial.

You can pry my gun away from my cold dead hand. Excellent. I’m sure you enjoyed that beer I poisoned.

Is there no Wi-Fi or cell reception in this God forsaken town? You in trouble? Yes, I am. Try using a landline phone, genius!

All that race mixing is gonna produce confused children. Your kids have siblings for parents. I guarantee, they’re confused!

I hate terrorist so much! Oh, yeah? Why? TSA is too poor to look through my Louis Vuitton and Coach! Damn Al Qaeda!

I’m as smart as you are, Yankee! How is that possible? My family tree actually branches out.

I’m adopting a baby. Someone one that looks like you? Hello, Africa! There’s plenty white ones right here. Angelina Jolie babies are all the rage!

I refuse to go to French restaurant. Can’t stand their uppity menu! It’s a diner that has french toast and french fries, you moron!

My car won’t start. I need a tow. What’s the problem? It just died on me. You have no gas! Well, there’s no full service stations around here!

There is one Republican president that I like. There ya go! Who? Abraham Lincoln, he freed the slaves and killed your economy.

There are things that l really don’t like. Not hate, but just greatly loathe. I’m in that sort of mood to make a list. So here it goes.

Apathy permits corruption and/or poor management to flourish in life, government and society. You have no right to complain about the government if you don’t vote. Period.

Cowardice makes everyone waste their time. You won’t tell him/her how you feel because you’re afraid of rejection. May as well add you’re career to this category. Suck it up and speak already!

Submissiveness is fine for the occasional X-rated roleplaying dates. But if you’re over 18 years old and find yourself gutless, you had better nip that shit in the bud. People only have power over you if you give it to them.

Recklessness in its full glory can be dangerous and create a lifetime of problems. So stop and THINK about what you plan on doing before you do it. AIDS, pregnancy, fatal car crash and house party damage happen in throes of reckless stupidity.

Racism and/or bigotry has been around since the beginning. I have seen racist people in my life change their point of view for the better. Life experiences and my love everybody cheerleader mantra helped.

I’m not naïve to think that everyone can be cured. We probably just have to wait it out until the old racist die. I think verbally abusive people must get the message. It is not okay to demean anyone in any way. I think too many people let it slide unchecked. That has to end.

Living in Los Angeles, I’ve heard some bonehead statements in my life. Some were tacky, ignorant or rude as hell. Hopefully this post will educate these social enigmas. But who are am I kidding?

It’s tacky to …

Ask if there’s more food at a funeral or wedding and then request a doggie bag!

Ask about the reading of the will after the death and before the funeral! If you do this, you’re a bottom-feeder.

Ask the employee you’re about fire to train the replacement! I have been the target of this screwed up practice. Everyone knew but me!

It’s ignorant  to …

Call all Spanish-speaking people Mexicans. There are 21 Spanish-speaking countries. If you don’t know, ask.

Assume all women who wear hijabs (headscarves) are foreigners. Muslims have been in North and South America since the 1500s!

Assume that every Italian and/or Italian business has ties to the Mafia/Mob.

It’s rude as hell …

To call all undocumented residents criminals. They wouldn’t come here if white men didn’t pay them (less than minimum wage) to work here.

To assume every Middle Eastern is a Muslim. Sikhs, Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Jews are all over the Middle East, Asia and Africa.

To continue ranting that ‘brown’ people can’t be trusted. Brown people are taking care of your kids, cutting your lawn, fixing your car and building your home.

Native Americans, Latinos, Arabs and Persians are brown. No one raises an eyebrow when a Canadian or European is here illegally. Why is that?






Is This Today?

Posted: July 31, 2013 in America, Politics, Race, Society
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The topic of racism is something I bring up quite a bit.  It matters to me because it is a common theme in my life.

I grew up in 70s and 80s. There was TV programming that brought up social relevant and controversial issues.

I wonder if the following clip is relevant for today. When I first saw and today it broke my heart. Would appreciate any feedback.

It’s hot as hell out here in Holly-weird! For some reason, it’s bothering this L.A. born and breed girl more than usual.

I think the heat might be coming from all racist, bigoted and just plain stupid remarks being spewed by ‘celebrities’ (I use the term loosely).

Bigots and racist have been in my life since they spanked my behind in the hospital. No kidding. It was my mother.

I didn’t know it on day one, but I knew it quickly.  Los  negros huelen mal! Blacks smell bad!  My mom said it, not me.

When you’re not in preschool yet, it’s no big deal. Later on, I noticed a theme arising from some adults in my life.

I remember thinking (this is in the 70’s) a lot of grown-ups smell bad. They wore polyester, smoked (tobacco and stuff) and drank booze.

If your clothes don’t breath like cotton, it’s going to retain sweat and accumulated sweat stinks! This is how my mind worked.

I analyzed … everything. Later I found out that my mother didn’t care for Afros. My argument was simple. God made them like that.

Several years passed before she would make another racist statement. When she did, it was her last.

My abuelita (grandma) loved me but not the same way as my lighter skinned cousins. If she had only one life to save, I was screwed!

These women in my life did change. My mother is not who she was 30 years ago. And she is grateful that I helped her.

Abuelita was genuinely sweet to my black friends 20 years ago. She came to visit L.A. to attend a wedding. She’s deceased now.

Here’s what I think. All these people who drop the N-word, F****t and whatever minority euphemisms they can conjure up, punish themselves A LOT!

I once heard a Chicano say this about white bosses, call me wet-back but give me my f**king raise and insurance.

It’s not the words, it’s the power. Want to see a real racist? Politicians that try to suppress minority voting are worse than the KKK.

So when these idiots can’t say something nice, they should just suck on a lemon. It might appease their acidic nature.

Worry about the smiling, politically correct,  white people who want to keep us ‘colored folk’  in line. The 6 hour line to cast a vote!

They can call me Guadalupe under breath. Ignore me at a swank boutique.  Just let me keep my f**king vote!

Okay, with all summer here and kids are free there is a demand for super hero movies.

Man of Steel, Iron Man III, Thor and all that other jazz made me do a little daydreaming.

If I could pick a super-power what would it be? What a yummy proposition! My answer would really say a lot about me.

My answer would really speak to my core values. Or I could just be completely selfish and judge the world (minus myself).

I always thought if people could really walk a mile in another man’s shoes they might change and morally grow.

So here’s my power: TABLE TURNING and it would last 30 days.

Make a GOP senator uninsured, very sick and homeless. A white racist becomes black and poor in the deep, deep south.

An NRA lobbyist becomes coroner that is forced to cut into juvenile firearm homicide and suicide cases.

I don’t know that my power would do any good, but it would be nice to have. Kind of a scared straight for grown ups.


Top Romney Surrogate Sununu to Piers Morgan: Colin Powell Endorsed Obama Because They’re Both Black.

Is this guy for real? If that’s the case, why didn’t Herman Cain endorse Obama? I guess there are no black people in the GOP or maybe black people just aren’t wanted.

Congratulations, Mr Romney. It’s official. You’re a good-for-nothing bigot, if you don’t fire Sununu right now and apologize to President Obama and Colin Powell!

2012 and you find it okay for one of your surrogates to say such a racist and ignorant statement. Sununu isn’t fit to breathe the same air as President Obama and Colin Powell!