About Me

I am a 44 year-old wife living with bipolar disorder. My husband and I have no kids and live in Los Angeles California. I consider this blog to be an experiment. How far can I go about the truth? How far can any of us. I might disturb, shock and insult someone or possibly even everyone.  This is the truth from a mentally ill, bright and quasi-brave Latina.

  1. Doris says:

    You made me cry, laugh, sad, and happy at the same time (all emotions in one night). And have to post something in the first 19 post, and I will. Thank you for sharing your life with the world. When I read the post and I comment, I did not know your story, but new something was up. But now I need more, I need to know the good guy story.

    Also, you have an Amiga here with me, my story is so different, yet I can totally relate, I am Mexicana and American at the same time (yet I am one with the world). It is a constant struggle to please everyone, but I learned one thing, you will never please no one.


    • coconutspeak says:

      Gracias, amiga. Tu tambien tienes amiga. Me llamo Monica. It means alot to me. I know I need to tell my ‘good guy’ story. I just have to be in the right place before I write it. I’m sort of on a ‘cathartic’ kick right now.


      • Doris says:

        Gracias Moninca! I just saw the guy story, glad you posted, I like how you write Monica. I understand that there will be days that you will not post, it happens to all of us.


  2. oakworld says:

    Thanks for the like and follow.Welcome To OAK!


  3. Md. Alsanda says:

    Thanks for stopping by and the following.


  4. The Girl says:

    i’ve nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! Please see this post for instructions: http://foolforethought.wordpress.com/2012/11/01/inspiring-blog-award/


  5. once4always says:

    Hi, You have been nominated for a One Lovely Blog award – see details at http://once4always.wordpress.com/2012/11/11/nominated-for-one-lovely-blog-award/ .enjoy your award


  6. bpshielsy says:

    Consider yourself awarded!

    Blog of the Year 2012’ Award


  7. belsbror says:

    Hi! I nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award. Please get the badge at http://wp.me/p32YrK-tN and get more info. Have a great Sunday. 🙂


  8. Divya Kumar says:

    Thank you for the visit (noinpart.wordpress.com). Love the energy in your writing. Keep writing more.


  9. Aimer Shama says:

    My goodness the theme kind of screams out teen male that I was surprised to know you are a woman.
    Then again, mine kind of does the opposite hahaha.
    Good luck


  10. seeker says:

    Keep calm and blog away….


  11. Your blog interests me a great deal, and hopefully I’ll have time to come back and read more soon. I love your honesty and openness!


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