This American

Posted: November 21, 2013 in Uncategorized

Just A Thought


In case you don’t know who I am, I am complicated. I am a member of various groups. I have gathered many life experiences. And I feel that I have gathered some wisdom that affords me a say on many social issues.

I am a bilingual Mexican-American, Christian married woman. I am also a survivor of domestic violence and molestation. In my 20s, I resided in a home without utilities for nearly a year. At 43 years of age, I had a hysterectomy.  For the past 4 years (I think) I’ve been on psychotropic drugs for my permanent bipolar disorder.

I don’t list my biographical highs and lows for the sake of sympathy. I’m 44 years old and my life is still under construction. I’m okay with not knowing everything. I feel that I have to work with what I know. So, in that vein, lets look at the oppressors of American society.

I see a lot of God spokesmen out there. Apparently…

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